Saturday, December 16, 2006

First entry of the new blog

So, this is Jade, signing in in her new blog. I hope this turns out to be something I do every day or so - it will be like as I lied to Declan, my online journal.

So declan is this great guy that I like HEAPS and he likes me heaps aswell, i just feel like hes gonna get all clingy and needy/ desperate sort of thing and so im not answering every single sms he sends and im gonna lay off talking to him 24/7 and if he says sumten i will tell him that just coz we both now we like each other - we agreed not be all full on bf and gf so he needs to tone it down a lil and i can't handle some1 wanting to talk to me 24/7! i like him, well at least i think i do, but i'm not sure hes the kind of guy i wanna go out with. hes like one of my best friends and if we ever went out and it didn't work, i dunno wat i would do without him.

see i went over the same things i just wrote like a milion times the other night and then i realised. IM 14
i just want to have fun
if he wants mor from me then i am willing to give at this stage well then he can go suck a fart!! lol
so. this is my new moto - im 14, im having fun!!!

so there

well yesterday tim brought home a double beef and bacon burger from work that he didn't eat in his brake. he said that me or matt could have it depending on who finished tea first as we wern't alloud to have it b4 tea. b4 tea, tim told mum and i asked if i could have it all for myslef as matt got the cheeseburger the other week wen tim didnt want it. mum said that me and matt could share it but then matt said he didnt want half of it he wanted it all. but then mum said that it was either half or nuthing and then matt kept arguing so mum said - fine - jade its yours since matt doesn't want it. so just to make sure, i ate tea quickly but as i was too full i hid it under the meat paper just so when matt looked in the frige it wasnt right infront of him, making him want it. so i went to bed that night thinking that i would warm the burger up and have it for breakfast, but as i woke and looked in the fridge, i dont find it - i look in the bin and then theres the empty burger box - in th bin!!! i think matthew ate it at 2.00 in the morning when he was watching socca!!! but then he says that he didn't eat it so hes blaming it on everyone else mum is yelling at the fact that matt lied striaght her and dads faces and so i get his cheesburer that tim brought home from wokr for him today!! XP

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